
3daysofdesign 2024


The organiser of this competition is Carl Hansen & Søn Møbelfabrik A/S, Central Business Register (CVR) no. 26236231 (hereinafter “Carl Hansen”), Hylkedamvej 75, DK-5591 Gelsted, Denmark.


The competition begins on 12-06-2024 and ends on 14-06-2024


The competition is open to anyone above 18 years of age except employees within the Carl Hansen & Søn group or any other person involved in the planning or performing of the competition as well as members of such persons’ households. When being contacted, the winner of the competition must be able to provide documentation of being above 18 years of age.


Each person may only enter the competition once. Any further attempt to register for the competition will not be accepted.


Carl Hansen & Søn waives all liability for registrations which are lost, delayed, misdirected, incomplete or cannot be received or keyed in because of any technical or other reasons.


Registration for this competition can only take place via a link provided in the Carl Hansen & Søn Flagship Store, Copenhagen during 3daysofdesign 2024.


Carl Hansen & Søn Flagship Store Copenhagen

Bredgade 21-23

1260 Copenhagen



By entering this competition, participants consent to be automatically subscribed to the Carl Hansen & Søn newsletter. This subscription includes regular updates, promotional offers, and other relevant information from Carl Hansen & Søn. Participants can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by following the unsubscribe link provided in each email.


Participation in the competition is not conditional upon purchase.


The prize of the competition is a CH45 Rocking Chair in Oak Oil Natural Papercord (value of 15.995 DKK). Shipping included.


No cash redemption or substitution of the prize for other products will be permitted. However, Carl Hansen & Søn reserves the right to substitute the prize for corresponding products of the same or a higher value if the announced prize or parts of it should become unavailable. 


The winner is chosen at random by Carl Hansen & Søn among all qualified participants as of 18-06-2024.


Carl Hansen & Søn’s choice of the winning participant is final.


Carl Hansen & Søn will not be responsible for any damage, loss, injury or disappointment suffered by you as a result of your participation in the competition, your acceptance of the prize or if you are not chosen as the winner.


The winners will be contacted by Carl Hansen & Søn by email on 18-06-2024. If the winner fails to respond within 2 weeks after having been contacted by Carl Hansen & Søn, the winner’s right to receive the prize will lapse, and Carl Hansen & Søn will be entitled to choose another participant as the winner. The new winner will also be obliged to respond within the time limit indicated above.  If a winner rejects the prize, Carl Hansen & Søn is entitled to choose a new winner.


Delivery of the prize may take 2-3 weeks (in case of extension, this will be agreed upon in further detail between the recipient and Carl Hansen & Søn). The recipient is obliged to provide further information if necessary.


Carl Hansen & Søn reserves the right, in whole or in part, to change, cancel, terminate or suspend the competition at its own discretion if the company should consider that the competition cannot be performed as described in these terms and conditions or in accordance with applicable rules and law in case of a virus, software errors or unauthorised human conduct, reasonable suspicion of cheating or any other reason outside Carl Hansen & Søn’s reasonable control and which can destroy or affect the administration, security and impartiality or the ordinary course of the competition. Neither Carl Hansen & Søn, its subsidiaries or associated companies can be held liable for any matters, circumstances, losses, mistakes, or delays resulting from events outside their reasonable control.


Should any action, omission or circumstance emerge, for which Carl Hansen & Søn cannot reasonably be expected to control, preventing Carl Hansen & Søn from complying with these terms and conditions, Carl Hansen & Søn will not be liable for non-compliance or delayed compliance of its obligations.


Any dispute arising from the competition must be settled in accordance with applicable Danish law, and any actions must be brought before the Court in Odense.


By participating in the competition, you acknowledge to have read and understood these terms and conditions and you accept to be subject to the same. Should you violate any of these terms and conditions, you will automatically be excluded from the competition.

Last updated: May 29th 2024


カール・ハンセン&サンの製品を選ぶことは、単に家具を買うことと同義ではありません。それは、美しく磨き抜かれたクラフトマンシップの長く誇り高い伝統の一部になることなのです。私たちはハンス J. ウェグナーのデザインを世界で最も多く製作する家具メーカーであるとともに、アルネ・ヤコブセン、ボーエ・モーエンセン、オーレ・ヴァンシャー、コーア・クリント、ポール・ケアホルム、ボディル・ケア、安藤忠雄など、名だたる家具デザインの巨匠たちの作品も製作しています。100年以上にわたる豊かな歴史を誇るカール・ハンセン&サンは、デンマークデザインを代表する家具を世界中で販売しています。


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