
Restaurant Printz

A whole new dimension was added to Swedish sausage culture when innovator, gastronome and restaurateur, Ricard Constan-tinou, opened the Printz restaurant in 2013 in Johanneshov, four kilometres south of Stockholm city center.


The restaurant lies in a large new complex named 'Tolv' (Swe-dish for 12), due to the 12 different restaurants the center houses. Tolv is adjacent to the Tele2 Arena, one of Stockholm's largest sports and concert arenas, with room for 30-40,000 spectators. 

When he established Printz in the former slaughterhouse area of Stockholm, Constantinou wanted to preserve and refine the district's centuries-old sausage tradition. Over 100 different types of sausages are served at Printz – including fish and vegetarian versions – produced in the sausage factory which is part of the package, as is the wide selection of beers. Printz is also where Sweden's Pølseakademi (sausage academy) meets, and a sausage library is planned, to promote knowledge of and interest in this culinary specialty.

Layout & furnishings

As is typical for Ricard Constantinou, the architectural and design aspects of the restaurant are fully on par with the culinary ideas and uncompromising quality. The large restaurant is divided into different sections, offering various settings to match the diners' mood and preferences. All reflect an innate sense for creating environments that make you want to sit down in the attractive, well-designed and very comfortable chairs.


Constantinou's great passion for furniture created by Hans J. Wegner is evident everywhere. A diverse mix of the master designer's chairs have been used, in a variety of woods and colors. In the bistro section, with white tiled walls, diners sit on fixed benches with red leather cushions or CH33s, painted black with black leather seats. 

black leather seats. In the open, spacious café section, patrons sit on green painted CH33 chairs with brown leather seats or blue CH33s with wooden seats.


Guests who choose the bar are seated on CH58s with black leather upholstery. Larger groups can choose the section with long tables, where they are seated on oak Wishbone Chairs with elegant red leather cushions. CH28s – comfortable and with an elegant sculptural expression – stand invitingly in pairs in the center of the room. Throughout there are views of the numerous display cabinets, brimming with culinary specialties you can either consume in the restaurant or buy and take home.


"Football hooligans tend to almost riot when visiting our neighboring restaurants across the hall. But when the same people visit Printz they become much more civilized. It’s almost like the environment cues them to behave…  I have seen this with my own eyes. Very interesting… My choice of chairs at Printz is a combination of variation and quality. Hans Wegner delivers on both. I am very grateful to have worked with Carl Hansen & Son on this. With their quality craftsmanship, they deliver the finest piece of furniture you can get." 

FSC®認証を受けたビーチ材, painted, ブラックレザー Thor 301, Black

¥ 136,400

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