
Special edition CH24 Soft: Hans J. Wegner’s icon with a matte finish

Build your own collection with the CH24 Soft, a gentle variation on Hans J. Wegner’s Wishbone Chair from 1950.

Just like the original, the special edition is timelessly elegant with its clean and characteristic expression. The CH24 Soft has an irresistible matte finish, available on five of our classic colors: black, gray, white, green and red. The new finish has an inviting quality that tempts the gaze to follow along the backrest and your hand to do the same. Furthermore the coating makes it easier to maintain the chair, keeping the timeless design looking even cleaner. Think of CH24 Soft as a gentle counterpart to a Wishbone Chair with a brighter finish. Or maybe as a subtle contrast to Hans J. Wegner’s CH327 dining table in soap-treated beech.

CH24 Soft runs for a limited period. The campaign is available in UK, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium and Austria at selected dealers and in our Flagship Stores. 


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Carl Hansen & Søn Møbelfabrik A/S  -  CVR: 26236231