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Type of Personal Data

In connection with your use of our website or shopping on our website, we collect general personal information including your name, e-mail address, telephone number, address, and payment information.
We only collect the personal information about you that you have given us yourself.

The Purpose of Carl Hansen & Søn’s Processing Your Personal Data

We store your personal data for as long as it is relevant for the purpose for which it was collected. Personal data collected when an order is placed are stored for five years for accounting reasons (see the Danish Bookkeeping Act (Bogføringsloven)) and in compliance with our five-year warranty policy. 

  • Delivery of our products and services
  • Registration in our IT systems
  • Payment, invoicing, and bookkeeping
  • Dispatching newsletters or other marketing material, and other marketing initiatives.
  • Customer service and support plus
  • Other day-to-day communication

The Legal Basis for Carl Hansen & Søn Processing your Personal Data (Information)

Carl Hansen & Søn’s legal basis for processing general personal data concerning you is based on the purpose of:

  • Fulfilling or concluding an agreement for the supply of products and services (Article 6(1)(b) of the Data Protection Regulation).
  • Carrying out procedures taken at your request prior to the conclusion of an agreement on the delivery of our products and services (Article 6(1)(b) of the Data Protection Regulation).
  • Obligations in accordance with applicable legislation such as the processing of personal data for the purpose of acceptable accounting in accordance with Accounting Law etc. (Article 6(1)(c) of the Data Protection Regulation) or
  • Legitimate interests in (i) ensuring adequate registration, payment, invoicing, bookkeeping, customer service and support, daily communication, and (ii) marketing our products and services (Article 6(1)(f) of the Data Protection Regulation).

In cases where our treatment of your personal data cannot be carried out according to the above processing basis, we will obtain your consent, after which our processing of your personal data will be based on this (Article 6(1)(a) of the Data Protection Regulation). This is particularly true when we use personal information to target our marketing via apps, social media, the internet, and other digital channels as described in our consent text here.

Who do we share personal information with?

Carl Hansen & Søn will only disclose personal information if it is necessary to fulfill the purposes described above or if we are obliged to disclose the personal information in accordance with the applicable law.

In some cases, personal information is available to data processors who preform a number of tasks on behalf of Carl Hansen & Søn. These data processors include 1) Platform Providers, 2) System and hosting providers, 3) Banks and payment solution providers for internet commerce as well as 4) Third parties who submit electronic marketing on behalf of Carl Hansen & Søn.

These data processors, however, can only access and process personal data on behalf of Carl Hansen & Søn pursuant to our express instructions and for fulfilling specific purposes set out in a written data processor agreement between us and the data processor.

Transfer of Personal Data to contries outside og EU/EEA

We strive to ensure that your personal information is stored within the EU and EEA. However, we use suppliers who process your personal data in or from countries outside of the EU/EEA.

To the extent that personal data is transferred to other countries outside of the EU/EEA, Carl Hansen & Søn ensures an adequate level of protection when concluding EU standard contracts with the receiver of the information or by ensuring that the recipients are at least:

  • subject to special certification mechanisms or
  • “secure” other countries approved by the European Commission.

Storage Period

We retain your personal information for as long as necessary in relation to the purpose for which the information was collected and for the task to be fulfilled.

Personal information obtained in connection with the order placement is stored for up to 5 years after the last contact unless a longer storage period is required pursuant to the applicable law or in reference to ongoing or potential claims and disputes with the customer. If the Accounting Act (Bookkeeping act (bogføringsloven) and the like requires that personal information be stored, it is deleted 5 years after the end of the relevant financial year.

Your Rights

You can at any time request the right of access, correction, or deletion of your personal information. In addition, you may restrict our processing of your personal data, object to the processing and exercise your right to have your personal data handed over and transferred to another data controller (the right to data portability).

You are entitled at any time to cancel your consent and can do so by contacting us via the information above. Cancellation of consent will not affect the processing of personal data that has taken place before the consent cancellation.

Additionally, you can read more about your rights in the Data Protection Agency’s guide on data subjects’ rights. The guide is available on the Danish Data Protection Agency’s website (www.datatilsynet.dk).

Complaint to the Danish Protection Agency

You have the right to lodge a complaint if you are dissatisfied with the way in which we process your personal data to the Danish Protection Agency via the contact information below:

Carl Jacobsens Vej 35,
2500 Valby, Denmark

Tel.: 33 19 32 00
Email: dt@datatilsynet.dk
Website: www.datatilsynet.dk

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy will be updated and amended regularly, including when necessary to adhere to changes in the data protection law and practice. You should, therefore, keep up-to-date with changes to the privacy policy.

Date of the latest change in the Privacy Policy: 11.05.2021

Danish designAuthentic experienceUp to five-year warranty*

When you choose a product from Carl Hansen & Søn, you get more than just a piece of furniture. You will become part of a long and proud tradition of beautiful and distinctive craftsmanship where nothing is left to chance. We are the world’s largest manufacturer of furniture designed by Hans J. Wegner, and we also produce furniture created by renowned furniture designers such as Arne Jacobsen, Børge Mogensen, Ole Wanscher, Kaare Klint, Poul Kjærholm, Bodil Kjær and Tadao Ando. Carl Hansen & Søn represents more than 100 years of Danish design history, and our furniture is sold worldwide.


* Five-year warranty on indoor furniture. Two-year warranty on outdoor furniture

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