Unsere beliebtesten Suchbegriffe:

Cenerè – one of the newest and most refined gourmet restaurants in the historic city center of Milan – is housed in a building featuring tall, arched windows and an ornate sandstone facade. An informal pizzeria takes up 19 out of a total of 235 square meters, while the restaurant – divided into two interconnected sections – covers 163 square meters. Both sections are predominantly furnished with fixed seating and two-person tables in various groupings. 

Cenerè attracts a large clientele, due both to its elegant design and its cuisine. The menu, composed by two talented young chefs – Daniele Tursi and Giuseppe Davide La Grotteria – changes weekly with the rhythm of the seasons. Taking a holistic approach, the designers have created a sophisticated atmosphere dominated by natural materials and elements to reflect the sensory experience of eating.


"The space, elegant and informal at the same time, finds its synthesis in the artisanal care with which it was created: the same care and authenticity can also be found in the products made by Carl Hansen & Søn, which integrated perfectly into the overall design."

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